#wieslltd #smartgreenstove #smartgreenbriquette #smartgreenservices

Our Story

In 2019, a student at Njala University in Sierra Leone embarked on a life-changing journey. While studying BSc Energy Studies at Njala University Makonde, she witnessed the hardships faced by women and girls, especially in cooking. They had to gather firewood from the forest surrounding the university for their traditional stoves, leading to deforestation, and exposing them to risks like sexual violence and encounters with wildlife.

Moreover, this arduous task consumed a significant amount of their time, leaving them with limited opportunities for other income-generating activities. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these challenges and armed with her youth and determination, she decided to develop an improved cookstove. She entered the National Youth Innovation Award competition held in 2019 by UNDP Sierra Leone in Kenema District, where she emerged as the female runner-up, receiving recognition for her innovative solution.

Inspired by this achievement, it became evident that there was a need to establish something unique and innovative. After conducting extensive research and creating multiple prototypes, Madam Margaret, supported by her family and friends, officially incorporated Women in Energy Sierra Leone Limited on June 15, 2020, a social enterprise that seeks to develop professional expertise among young energy professionals who are pioneers of change in their local communities, with a commitment to promote and achieve universal energy access to marginalized communities and last mile areas.

She introduced the Smart Green Stove as the first brand, dedicated to promoting gender equality, advocating for a sustainable environment, providing clean energy solutions, and ensuring safety for everyone. Since then, we have successfully impacted the lives of beneficiaries in Sierra Leone. We have expanded our offerings to include the Smart Green Briquette and Smart Green Services brands.

Our Ethos

Our ethos is professionalism, adoption of renewable energy technologies,  gender equality, and evidence based reporting. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower women and promoting gender equality in the energy sector by creating innovative products that reduce pollution and energy dependency while yielding health, environmental, and economic improvements.

Our Vision

Our vision is that everyone has access to affordable energy. products that improve their lives, their community, their economy, and the environment, and our goal is to provide sustainable energy solutions to households and businesses in Sierra Leone.

What We Stand For....


we are 100% Eco friendly

Our mandate is to promote and influence the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies that can boost universal access to energy, and promote National and Global efforts of achieving the 1.5oC net carbon emission

We promote gender equality and energy access

Women in Energy Sierra Leone was established on the premise of promoting gender equality and energy access, specifically Women in Energy Sierra Leone seeks to.

Develop the capacities of marginalized women to be able to formulate and implement innovative programmes, promoting gender equality and energy access. 

Disseminate and share knowledge on best practices to support the deployment and application of innovative ideas on energy access at community level. 

Women in Energy Sierra Leone Limited is actively building partnerships with clean cooking and clean energy organizations both within and outside Sierra Leone. Through these collaborations, they aim to promote sustainable and clean energy solutions, empower women in the energy sector, and contribute to the country’s efforts in achieving a cleaner and more environmentally friendly future.

The organization works in collaboration with the businesses, government, labor union, and grassroot communities to create and implement programmes that increase quality jobs and opportunities in the energy industry. 


We believe in 100% quality for each and every product we produce
